Fuling Family Online Network Info for adopting parents, tips on trips to Fuling, efforts for the orphanage, reunions, kid talk and more
Fuling Family Directory Fulingers' Online Album Include your child. Once a year this album is printed and sent for sake keeping to the Orphanage's Library in Fuling.
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child in FKI's First Hugs or Foster Care Programs?
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request her or his reports.
Photos of the Orphanage
TWINS! Karissa &
Amelia, who was putting together FKI's retirement gift for Director Yang Peishu at the Fuling orphanage, had received a photograph of two little girls who were adopted from Fuling. The McLean family sent the photograph of their daughters, Iris and Lily, to be included in a digital frame showing children adopted from Fuling. Amelia could not believe how much one of the girls, Iris, looked like my daughter Taylor, also adopted from Fuling. I decided to contact the McLean family and ask to see more photos of Iris. After lots of photo exchanges and after lots of "could it be possible," we decided to have Iris' and Taylor's DNA tested. After weeks of waiting and long talks with our girls, the results came on Valentine's day: Taylor and Iris are biological sisters. Just 15 months apart, Taylor will be 8 in August and Iris will be 7 in November. This last week, the girls met for the first time when the Mclean family flew in from California to stay with the Heimert family in Chicago. The girls bonded immediately and acted just like the sisters that they are, swimming together, playing together and telling each other stories. It was amazing to witness. Not only did Taylor gain Iris as a sister, but both the Heimerts and McLeans gained an extended family. Iris has two sisters, Lily (Fuling) and Violet (Chongqing). Taylor has a brother Dylan and two older sisters, Lauren and Alison. We never know what life has in store for us, but for the McLean and Heimert families, this has truly been a blessing.